An ancient complementary therapy, pressure to the hands and feet. Here at Reflexology Haven, Antonia a registered reflexologist for eight years now who has become passionate about ones feet and hands..She is know for her gentle and magical relaxing touch...As she seeks to educate and heal her clients and is here to help you see a relationship between certain pressure points and the overall function of organs and glands, and believe that applying pressure in the right places can have a good impact on her clients health and well-being. So step forward and feel rejevuenated today! If you're around London, give me a call on 226-448-6497 and see for yourself.
If you think reflexology is all about fiddling with feet, you’d be right – but there’s an awful lot more to it than that! Reflexology also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medical practice involving the application of pressure to specific points on the feet and hands. This is done using specific thumb, finger, and hand massage techniques without the use of oil or lotion. Reflexology is a complimentary type of massage that involves applies a form of pressure to areas of the feet, hands as a relaxing and effective way to improve ailments, alleviate stress and enhance quality of sleep. Those areas correspond with different organs and parts of the body, so a therapist can quickly pinpoint which areas I need to target.
Reflexology has many health benefits*
Relaxation. ...
Reflexology is an incredibly safe therapy and suitable for most conditions especially pregnancy. As long as you are out of the first trimester of pregnancy, you can book in for a reflexology treatment. Reflexology is particularly useful to aid relaxation during gestation, and may help with pregnancy-related niggles like back pain or insomnia.
Specializing also in Plantar Fasciitis, Diabetis,
Of course, these treatments are available as well.